Tutor Crazy is operated and handled by highly IT professional persons, teachers from different schools/colleges, and experts of Nepal and abroad.
Tutor Crazy is an open platform that bridges the gap to overcome the problem of our users (students, teachers, and experts) in the education sector of Nepal. This platform will help our users to connect and follow the standardization of answering the questions from all around the nation. Our main motto is to produce open/public tutors through an automated IT system throughout the nation.
Our content is based on the curriculum of Nepal and we have tried to serve from Class 10 as the course material from this class is almost similar all around the country. The method of teaching and answering differs from developed cities to underdeveloped cities. Actually the teaching methodology of Nepal is prioritized on completion of course rather than practicing. So, Tutor Crazy is trying to overcome at some level to all these problems.
Every user is in the “Learner” phase and Learner level improvising (Questioning, Answering, Video materials, Live Classes) will jump to Tutor, Expert, and Retirement Level as mentioned in our “Point System”.