Suddenly, remembered the website after a long time, felt nostalgic thinking about the lockdown days I had passed by engaging in this site throughout day and night. Also had some fruitful outcomes too. Thank you tutorcrazy team. Hope everyone is doing ...
Discy Latest Questions
विदेशमा खर्च सकिदा मनमा आउने भावना समेटी मनोवाद तयार पार्नुहोस् ।(कापीमा गरेर फोटो खिचेर उत्तर दिँदा पनि हुन्छ।)
The dimension of the water tank is 3m*2m*2m and the water is half filled in it. Calculate the liquid pressure in it.
An iron nail sinks in water but a ship made of the same material floats on it. Give reason.
चार बाउ छोरा एउटा डाइनिङ टेबलमा बसिरहेका थिए । टेबलमा तीन वटा स्याउ थिए । सबै जनाले एकएक वटा स्याउ सिंगै खाए । कसरी सम्भव भयो होला ?
You have 5 kids and you have to get them all into a car. Tommy and Timmy are twins but they fight so they can’t sit together. Sarah and Sally fight too, so they can’t sit together. Max fights with ...
I am black when you buy me, red when you use me, and grey when you throw me.Who am I?